and these books are my inspirations when I want to start making one.
Sew Successfully with Style, Leila Aitken
Golden Hands: Encyclopedia of Dressmaking, Collins
All of them are my mum's.
and another site which i refer to regularly Burdastyle.
Visit the site if you're interested to start sewing your own clothes, it'll get easy when you have the passion :)
ten, aku tingin sangat nak buat blouse sdri, esp after tgk blouse2 yg ko jahit sdri. lg pon susah nak cari blouse yg size aku kan. antara jahit blouse dgn baju kurung mana lg susah? oh and aku xtau ko pnah dgr pasal wiksten ke x, tp she made pretty blouses too slamat mjahit ten. and seronok tgk u'r making a lot of stuffs to fill in ur time
i wud say, equal senang or susah. tp klu nk ade wat extra design on the blouse, lbih byk kerja sket la. bju kurung, once dh ada ukuran, mmg simple n sng hbes, gunting2 then cntum je.
my tip: cr bju blouse yg plg slesa k.mard pkai, then amek ukuran die. trace on a mahjong paper/krtas minyak. then tu akan jd ukuran utk buat blouse strusnya. xpyah ukur byk kali. and klu nk design2 tmbah ruffles or lace, just sew it on. as simple as that.
thanks i'll cek out the wikstein wbsite.
n try to do ur own blouses, definitely x rugi!
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